Inspire For Sleep Apnea: A CPAP Alternative
Innovative 3D Navigation Is Advancing Sleep Apnea Treatment Technology
Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnea or think you may be suffering from it? Do you hate your CPAP because it gets in the way? The good news is that there may be a better solution for you.
At Emerald ENT, we offer a CPAP alternative called Inspire. Inspire is a minimally invasive sleep apnea treatment that may be right for you. Ready to find out?

Find Out How Sleepy You Really Are?
Often, we don’t realize how much our lack of sleep impacts our lives. Take our sleep quiz to find out just how bad your symptoms may be.
How Does Inspire Work?
Inspire is a small device that’s implanted during an outpatient procedure in which only three small incisions are made. The device works by sending small impulses that work to keep your tongue and tissues in your mouth from obstructing your airway. You turn the device on with a remote each night before you go to sleep.
You will work with your doctor to make sure that the device is working properly and to fine-tune the settings to fit your needs.
Inspire Requirements
Are you ready to make the switch to Inspire? There are a few steps to qualify:
- You need to have a moderate to severe sleep apnea diagnosis. If you haven’t been diagnosed, we can give you a full examination and diagnosis at Emerald ENT
- You must have the proper BMI for the procedure.
- You must undergo an airway examination.
Are you ready to make the switch to Inspire? There are a few steps to qualify: We can help you through these steps to make sure that Inspire is right for you.

Is Inspire Expensive?
Inspire is covered by most insurances and they even have a dedicated team to help anyone who may need more information about what is covered. Inspire is covered by:
- Medicare
- Most Private Insurances
- Veterans and Military